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Between raising teenagers and dogs, late night movie snacking, and couch naps, our furniture takes a beating. Stains, dirt, crumbs, and change all find their way to upholstery and we know how difficult it can be to keep furniture looking new. That’s where we come in. Using the same all-natural process as we do on carpets, we can keep your upholstery clean, free of bacteria and mildew, and totally safe for your family to enjoy.



Our innovative approach to carpet cleaning will get your carpets cleaner than traditional methods, and last way longer to boot. Traditional methods of carpet cleaning typically use harsh chemicals and shampoos that leave soapy residues in your carpet and take far longer to dry. Dirt loves to grab on to these wet and sticky residues leaving you due for another cleaning much sooner than by using rotary extraction.  We use the natural properties of carbonation to break up dirt and lift it to the surface of your carpet and rotary extraction to remove all the dirt, bacteria, and allergens that accumulate.


Learn More About Our Carbonated Carpet Solution.



Rotary extraction is the safest and healthiest method for cleaning your carpets. Our solution is all-natural and non-toxic, which means safe carpets for your children and pets. Not only is our solution hypo-allergenic, it actually removes 98% of common household allergens that tend to accumulate in your carpets. We also offer an optional sanitizer upgrade to our solution that will also remove 89% of common bacteria that live in your carpets. As well, since our method uses 80% less water than traditional carpet cleaning methods, we don’t run the risk of mold and mildew growing in wet carpets,  keeping your carpets fresh, soft, healthy, and safe.


Learn More About Our Carbonated Carpet Solution.


Hassle-Free carpet cleaning

Professional carpet cleaning can sometimes seem like such a hassle when you lead a busy life. We are family business, and between cleaning carpets, raising kids, and taking care of pets, we understand the delicate balance between cleaning and using a home. Our process uses 80% less water than steam cleaning and so your carpets will dry in 1-3 hours instead of 1-3 days. Don’t have time or space to move all your furniture? We only charge for “cleanable” carpet rather than by room, and won’t be dragging big clunky hoses through your house, so don’t worry about deconstructing your life and home for half of the week to get your carpets cleaned. We want to get your home clean, healthy, and fresh, and then get out of your way so you can enjoy your life.



  • Carpet Protectant: Carpet Protectant is an optional upgrade that strengthens and coats the carpet fibers in a stain resistant solution. This helps keep your carpets clean longer and makes spots come up easier. We highly recommend this for homes with pets and children.

  • Carpet Deodorizer: The professional strength deodorizer is an optional upgrade that has very little fragrance of its own, but actually neutralizes existing odors it comes into contact with, making it very helpful for homes with pets.

  • Carpet Sanitizer: Carpet sanitizer is an optional upgrade that kills up to 89% of airborne and carpet-dwelling bacteria that are commonly found in homes. We highly recommend this in homes where people wear shoes indoors or have children or pets who may bring in outside bacteria.



Give us a call at 509-453-2995 to schedule a cleaning.

Clean upholstery after upholstery cleaning from Carbonated Carpet Solution in Yakima, Wa.
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