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About CArbonated

CArpet solutions yakima, WA.

Carbonated Carpet Solutions is a family owned and operated carpet cleaning business that has been serving the Yakima Valley since 2007. We are Pacific Northwest born and bred, and love our community. Our passion for cleanliness and 12 years of carpet cleaning experience are a solution for great customer service and clean, healthy homes.


We put the hurt on dirt

Teresa, the founder of Carbonated Carpet solutions, has a real problem with dirt, especially when it’s on the carpet. She has dedicated her career to its dissolution and extraction, and she has helped shape Carbonated Carpet Solutions into her personal emissary of dirt destruction. As much as we like to destroy dirt, however, we want to maintain the health of your carpets and so we use non-destructive methods that avoid the use of harsh chemicals and soaps, keeping your carpets clean, safe, and healthy for you and your loved ones.


Our Process

  • Estimate and Spot Check: We measure out your cleanable carpet and check any problem areas and spots so we can build a cleaning strategy catered to your specific carpet cleaning needs

  • Pre-vacuuming: Vacuuming with our industrial strength vacuum helps straighten the carpet fibers and pick any loose dirt, optimizing the extraction process.

  • Deep Cleaning with Rotary Extraction: Our extractor pumps hot all-natural carbonated solution into your carpet to break up the dirt, and extract the solution along with the dirt in one fell swoop.

  • Carpet Buffing: Buffing the carpet with a giant carpet mop scrubs any excess dirt and solution from the surface of the carpet and helps the carpet dry faster

  • Carpet Raking: Raking the carpet straightens and separates the carpet fibers, providing a faster dry time, and more even drying process.



  • Carpet Protectant: Carpet Protectant is an optional upgrade that strengthens and coats the carpet fibers in a stain resistant solution. This helps keep your carpets clean longer and makes spots come up easier. We highly recommend this for homes with pets and children.

  • Carpet Deodorizer: The professional strength deodorizer is an optional upgrade that has very little fragrance of its own, but actually neutralizes existing odors it comes into contact with, making it very helpful for homes with pets.

  • Carpet Sanitizer: Carpet sanitizer is an optional upgrade that kills up to 89% of airborne and carpet-dwelling bacteria that are commonly found in homes. We highly recommend this in homes where people wear shoes indoors, or have children or pets who may bring in outside bacteria.


Give us a call at 509-453-2995 to schedule a cleaning.

Kyle, Employee at Carbonated Carpet Solutions in Yakima, WA.
Free Estimate
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